Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lab Task 8: Brushes And Pattern

Date: 23th March 2010
Venue: MTGM

Making Wallpaper Using Brushes and Pattern.


1. Make a new canvas 16oo x 12oo pixels.
2. Then, fill the background with fill bucket tools and chose the colour #000000 that is black.
3. Create a new layer, by pressing CTRL + SHIFT+ N.
4. Then chose brush tools, I use grass brushes that is already in photoshop to make the grassy ground. In order to make it more real I downloaded some grass brushes and use it in the layer.
5. Another layer was created to put the tree by using tree brushes.
6. Next, I created another layer for putting stars at the sky
7. Create another layer to put the moon in the layer by using the moon brushes.
8. Then, make a new layer to put on some cloud behind the moon so its look like more dramatic.
9.Then, I put a woman figure that holding an umbrella by using brushes.
10.Finally, for the final touch, I create a new layer so I can put some text that is RADIANT GARDEN, NIGHT OF STARRY SKY.


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